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Additional Information


In order to shorten the process of formal verification and to eliminate possible mistakes occurring during payment confirmation, it is advised to describe payments issued to the Office's account according to the following:

Marketing Authorization of Medicinal Product

in national procedure: PL/DRL: medicinal product name

in European procedure: PL/DRL/RLE: medicinal product name, EU procedure number

Variations to Marketing Authorization for Medicinal Products for human use

in national procedure: PL/DZL/ZLN: MA number, variation type and number

in European procedure: PL/DZL/ZLE: MA number, EU procedure number

Transfer of Marketing Authorization for Medicinal Products for human use

in national procedure: PL/DZL/ZLN: MA number, MA transfer

in European procedure: PL/DZL/ZLN: MA number, MA transfer, EU procedure number

Renewal of Marketing Authorization for Medicinal Products for human use

in national procedure: PL/DZL/ZLR: MA number

in European procedure: PL/DZL/ZLR: MA number, EU procedure number

Withdrawal of Marketing Authorization for Medicinal Products for human use

in national procedure: PL/DZL/ZLR: MA number, withdrawal

in European procedure: PL/DZL/ZLR: MA number, withdrawal, EU procedure number

Clinical trial of Medicinal Product

PL/DBL: EudraCT number

Annual fee

PL/DEL/LRP: medicinal product name, MA number, period for which payment is issued (from… to…)

Requestfor issuing the decision referred to in Article 33a (2) of the actof Pharmaceutical Law

PL/DEL/LRP: medicinal product name, MA number

Parallel Import of Medicinal Product

Marketing Authorization:

PL/DEL/IR: medicinal product name, exporting country, new MA

Variations of MA:

PL/DEL/IR: medicinal product name, MA number for parallel import, variation

Renewal of MA validity:

PL/DEL/IR: medicinal product name, MA number for parallel import,

Marketing Authorization of biocidal  product

Title of payment  enabling to identify the product and type of submission.

It should includeamount in PLN, product name and  a note: “pozw.  na OBRÓT”

Marketing Authorization of Veterinary Medicinal Products

in national procedure: PLW/DRW/RWR: product name

in European procedure: PLW/DRW/RWR: product name, EU procedure number

Variations to Marketing Authorization for Veterinary Medicinal Products

in national procedure: PLW/DRW/RWP: MA number, variation type and number

in European procedure: PLW/DRW/RWP: MA number, EU procedure number

Renewal of Marketing Authorization for Veterinary Medicinal Product

in national procedure: PLW/DRW/RWP: product name, MA number

in European procedure: PLW/DRW/RWP: product name, EU procedure number, MA number

Withdrawal of Marketing Authorization for Veterinary Medicinal Products

PLW/DRW/SK: product name, MA number

Clinical trial of Veterinary Medicinal Products

PLW/DRW/BK: product name

Annual fee

PLW/DRW/OR : product name, MA number, period for which payment is issued (from… to…)

Request for issuing the decisionreferred to in Article 33a (2) of the act of Pharmaceutical Law

PLW/DRW/SUN:  product name, MA number

Parallel import of Veterinary Medicinal Products

Marketing Authorization

PLW/DRW/IR: product name, exporting country, new MA

Variations of MA

PLW/DRW/IR: product name, MA number for parallel import, variation

Renewal of MA validity:

PLW/DRW/IR: product name, MA number for parallel import, renewal